Verified Email Lists

7 Email Marketing Mistakes- You must avoid

Email Marketing is one of the best, easy and cost effective ways of marketing. You can reach to big number of audience using one click. According to big email marketing companies for every 1$ you spend you can expect an average return of 36$-40$ dollars.

To get the best results from email marketing you need to make sure your emails get delivered to the right people who open your emails and you get good click through rates.

But normally it not happens with most of the bulk email senders and their emails being marked as spam or don’t get attention of readers or get blocked due to IP or domain blacklisting.

In this article you will get to know the 7 mistakes which most of the bulk email senders does and cause bad delivery rate or response. If you will avoid these mistakes you can get good results.

  1. Sending Emails without DKIM/DMARC/SPF or failed
  2. Bad Subject Line
  3. Strange Send From Names / Company Name as Send From
  4. Long and Bad format Email Template
  5. To Salesy
  6. Using bad email delivery company
  7. Sending Emails to Bad and unverified Email Lists

Sending Emails without DKIM/DMARC/SPF or failed

Most of the people don’t know about email marketing and what are the key factors that must be properly set up before sending emails. So they get in trouble after sending their first campaign.
Hence if you want to send emails you need to make sure your SMTP server or service properly set up and it has all key settings properly done like spf, dkim, dmarc etc…

These are important when you are sending emails to B2C lists especially, Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail. If your SMTP has SPF, dkim or dmarc failed your emails may be getting blocked or not delivered.

To make sure they are properly setup please use free inbox compliance testing service by sending them test emails. If you get errors, contact your email delivery company to get that fix for you before sending the emails.

Bad Subject Line

If you have a great offer, best and clean email lists, and good attractive email template but you don’t have a proper appealing subject line you will get very bad results.
Subject lines get the first interaction with spam filters so if you will be using bad words or spam content in your subject line you may get blocked or your emails may land in the spam/junk folder. Make sure when you write your subject line it does not include any spam words.

If your emails get through the spam filters and land in the inbox, now you need to make sure its appealing to the audience so that your email get more opens. The more opens the more click through and finally sales.

Strange Send From Names / Company Name as Send From

Some people send emails using send from name support, marketing team, Pizza Shop etc… All of this will cause your emails to be marked as spam. To get better results, you need to send emails with real names. Try to personalize so that people take interest in your emails and open them.

Do not put your main company email id or name in the send from fields. Especially when you send cold email to purchased lists.

Long and Bad format Email Template

Sending big images with less content or Spammy content based emails both case problems. Make sure when you sending email marketing campaigns your email template is properly designed. Also, make sure you follow the below guidelines.
• Develop Responsive Email templates so that you could reach people who use mobile devices to check their emails.
• Do not make it colorful, just 1 or 2 colors are enough.
• Not to use one single big image
• Always follow can spam act guidelines
• Put unsubscribe link in your email footer
• Add contact information in your email footer.
• Call to action button add in your emails
• Do not put direct website links in your email always use landing pages link

Too Salesy 

When you are writing your emails for email marketing make sure you are not doing a crazy sales pitch. First, try to build trust on readers mind and offer them some trail or demo before to buy so that they feel safe.

Using bad email delivery company

Make sure you are not sending emails with bad reputation company or not using any kid as your service provider. When you want to send emails to unconfirmed or purchased lists then you need to make sure you are using some reliable strong company to deliver your emails. So that if you get blacklisting or bad delivery issues they can help you.
Some of the recommended companies are


Sending Emails to Bad and unverified Email Lists

Email lists are important part of email marketing this is for sure for a new company who is just starting up is difficult to have their own email lists. So its obvious they have to look for some email lists sellers so that they can buy the data and try to market their service of products to those email lists.
Here most of the people make mistake they try to buy cheap data from freelancers that heart their business and brand reputation and sometime cause some serious legal issues.
So please when you looking to buy email data make sure the sellers email data base is verified and cleaned otherwise you will be just wasting your money. And your first campaign may cause big issues for you.


If you follow the above 7 guidelines before sending your email marketing campaigns you can get better delivery rate and your money will not be wasted. Email Lists are important part of email marketing don’t waste your money in buying cheap garbage data full of spam trappers. VEL (Verified Email Lists) all databases are cleaned and verified and up to date. This can help you to get best results from your email campaigns. When you buy from us you get free responsive email templates bundle that will change the whole game?

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